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“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

gals in my life

gal friends: this is dedicated to some, but not all, of my gal friends over time, including those shown here, but also kathy, melissa, jane, jennifer, amanda, lisa, and a few others, all of whom I love & respect very much, and hope that we can still be platonic friends even if not romantic involved. Only one of these was a California gal, all the others were Michigan girls, except one (who was from Montana, but whom I knew in Michigan, & Spain). I thought I would become a "family man" eventually, but with these gals it didn't pan out, and we shall see if and when it does. Whether or not it does, these gals are in my prayers forever & I hope I will be with them in heaven someday, along with many others. 

 sorry, this one got discolored somehow after getting stuck to another photo in the pile