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“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32

Friday, July 26, 2024

Re Ibotta cash back app

Ibotta does a pretty good job about offering rebates on purchases, but sometimes they have snags when you purchase the same item, same purchase, even if the offer says "limit of 5" for example. 

More than once I've purchased 5 items that are supposed to give me $1 cash back each, with a 5 item limit per purchase. Yet Ibotta only automatically gives $2 cash back. You have to go thru the process of reporting "missing cash back" and sometimes scanning each items code.

 Or if this doesn't work then you have to contact Ibotta support by email and wait for them to do an in-person review.  Sometimes they will ask for a photo of something etc. usually you will get what was offered if it is all legit, but it's a little aggravating.

 Sometimes since it's only a few dollars you just give up. But everything on Ibotta is just a few dollars. I've made 100's of dollars on "just a few dollars" and appreciate ibotta.
I hope they can resolve this  "glitch".

Monday, July 15, 2024

re the Famous Big Texan restaurant, Amarillo TX 

So I was driving by to take a few pics of the exterior just as some white guy & his wife are walking towards the entrance. Apparently they find it odd or suspicious of me (also a white guy) to be taking pics of a famous restaurant. So the guy leaves his wife by the door & walks back to his shiny red chariot (pickup truck)( that he will be paying monthly payments on until 2030, because it makes him feel like a big man) and moves it 50 feet from a shady spot to a hot sunny spot right next to the entrance because me taking pics of the restaurant from my vehicle may indicate I am a potential car thief . πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£. You're bad for America dude πŸ‘Ž. You're an effin loser no matter how big and shiny your pick-up truck may be.