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“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32

The Washington Times stories: World

Monday, October 26, 2020

To the RUDE LADY with the bike on the narrow ramp at Redondo Beach

To the RUDE LADY  with the bike  on the narrow ramp at Redondo Beach. U could have waited 15 seconds for me to reach the bottom rather than starting up & causing us to squeeze by eachother.👎 i had the right-of-way since i was already halfway down..u started upward anyways ..Furthermore there's a big wide ramp more suitable for bicycles only a 60-second ride down the strand. I really wouldn't have cared if u were nice, but you were bossy, like "get outta my way" 😠 #ShameOnYou taking advantage of people.

Yelp review: ie my review of yelp

Despicable: #Yelp removed a review I did of a major store  in L.A. b/c I said I get tired of Latino employees calling me "boss", basically accusing ME of being racist because I was accusing them of being racist. Calling a person "boss" is a 'dog whistle' by these fellas..They use it primarily towards whites & at first you think they're being respectful, but it's actually a subtle self-serving insult. I am self-employed & WORK plenty hard every single day  & I'm NOT your boss nor bossing anybody around like a "karen".