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“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32

The Washington Times stories: World

Monday, November 30, 2020

Re Rev Quan Tran

I was not sure how to directly email or contact Father Joseph Knerr.  Could you please forward this to him or print it out and put it in his box?  thank you

re Rev Quan Tran : The  Asian priest -I think he's Vietnamese-  who just wrote a book about imitating Mother Mary,  is actually being a little bit cocky and condescending towards the audience every time he does a homily. It does NOT feel very spiritual.  

It feels like he's talking down to us - even disrespecting us. I personally also went to Seminary - even though I'm not a priest . I have a masters degree and I don't really like being talked down to when I am at church like he's talking to kids . And he's also taking advantage of the obligatory respect many parishioners give the priest- sometimes over-the-top respect. 

I've also written books, and it's nice to be happy about having written a book, but it seems like every single homily he's boasting about it- not just talking about it . He's boasting & bragging which is not a characteristic of being in the spirit but a  characteristic of being in the flesh.  

So let us pray for this priest to tone it DOWN a little bit & respect the audience as he wants to be respected likewise. If he doesn't feel comfortable here, maybe he'd be better off with a Vietnamese congregation such as at Holy Spirit or Westminster. 

Now I notice he's got a J.D. as well. 
He's over-qualified & bored with us & is starting to be abusive & taunting us.  Give him some new challenges . 

Joy Vicer

Sunday, November 29, 2020

True story: at a Walmart a fellow in an old beat up medium size RV with the door bashed in so that it ..

True story: a fellow in an old beat up medium size RV with the door bashed in so that it wouldn't close properly asked me to stand by his vehicle thinking people might try to break in ( or walk in) while he's in the store. 

I said "Nobody is going to break in to your piece of junk - it looks toxic to me- I don't want to stand by it or get near it". 

There's homeless people with grocery carts who are like this as well- they are seriously afraid somebody might steal their crap from their toxic grocery cart. They are mentally ill. Pray4 them. 🙏

Friday, November 20, 2020

Review of SA RECYCLING IN OXNARD (on Mountain View) 11/20/20

Everything was good except for the lady at the scale because she saw me doing something by the rear license plate- she assumed (wrongly) I was trying to take the rear license plate off which apparently is not allowed- and then instead of JUST asking me what i was doing she told me to go stand over there and "open my book" where I had put my personalized license plate FRAME (which i had forgotten to take off- & had to break off at the last moment b/c nobody would kindly allow me to borrow a screwdriver for 30 seconds)  . she  talked to me like I was some kind of criminal or something . all you need to do is ask lady- or look at the vehicle itself - the plate was still there.  show some respect.  NOT ALL of us are criminals just because we're recycling our vehicle via Bureau of Automotive Repair program. Being poor is NOT a crime- & recycling a vehicle does NOT mean you are poor & dishonest- it might mean you're smart. I just bought a new car & this one was having engine problems & i couldn't fix it or resell it - that's what this program is good for.  Also they need to put up a number for the gate next to the scale. I know it's a wrecking yard but you don't have to live in it like you're a hobo. You can make it look decent. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Is Goodwill Corp Profiteering Off of Free Donations to Them ?

Yes you are getting clothes at a discount- cheaper than you would get at any department store - but it is also donated to them by gracious people for free &  Goodwill  then turns around and makes a profit on it. But they are a nonprofit business so they should NOT be making TOO MUCH PROFIT & that's the question- how much profit 💰 are they actually making❓

  For example today I went in and bought a pair of pants that had a little worn out fringe on the bottom and I asked if I could get a discount. She said "no that's a solid price absolutely not". I thought maybe a dollar or two would be fair to reduce it from $8 to 6 or something like that but NO.  You would think that Goodwill has people there working because they have compassion for others, but I didn't sense it from this person at all.  

And that makes me a little upset and wonder HOW MUCH MONEY is Goodwill actually making? I wonder how much the CEO is making and what kind of mansion he or she may be living in. Are they making too much off of free donations to them ?

Update: "GOODWILL CEO and owner Mark Curran profits $2.3 million a year...., Goodwill has become an international nonprofit that takes in more than $4.8 billion in annual revenue"