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“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32

The Washington Times stories: World

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

REVIEW OF 3/29/22 a so-called PHOTO SELLING WEBSITE (very disappointed. can't recommend)

SO I've been looking around for websites to offer my photos for sale. These are mostly smartphone traveling photos. I signed up here and then they offered me a pro account trial for a week and encouraged me to upload my entire portfolio. 

So I started uploading a large amount of my stored photos and was hopeful that this was a good website to try to market my photos. 

THen suddenly I was logged out and I tried to log back in and it said I was "banned" and to contact them via email which I tried but they did not respond. 

Are they "ghosting" me? What's wrong ? If they only want professional photos they should say so. I offer medium quality but excellent QUANTITY-- photos which can be enlarged and enhanced etc.

 IF is some sort of high brow that calls anything not taken with a professional camera a "potato" ? IF that's their attitude I don't want to be part of them anyways. 

But it's very amateur of them to just cut me off without explanation. Is there some dude in a basement somewhere just personally running this operation ? i JUST wasted 2 days here. DISAPPOINTED. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Oscars 2022 Live Updates: Will Smith smacks Chris Rock in the face then accepts Best Actor award

"He also included an apology to the Academy and his fellow nominees before going back to thanking the KingRichard teamVenus and Serena Williams included. "Art imitates life: I look like the crazy father, just like they said about Richard Williams. But love will make you do crazy things." 

Saturday, March 26, 2022

One thing if people are sincere about wanting to "help the homeless" ..

One thing if people are sincere about wanting to "help the homeless" or the so-called homeless,  those who live in "homes with mortgages" MUST STOP THINKING they are superior beings to those who sleep somewhere else.

Friday, March 25, 2022

re my Wayne State Law School experience early 1990's. True Story

I dropped out of Wayne State Law School back in the early 1990s after walking into my roommate and finding him masturbating

And  then he actually accused me of doing what he was doing - and told others that I was doing what he was doing - a total FABRICATION by him. 
At that point it was just too embarrassing to be around him

I didn't want to be part of that kind of culture. That's why I left and never looked back.  Today that roommate is a famous prosecutor. 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Re Rolling Hills Covenant Church, Palos Verdes

When I see the same ushers in the same spot & the same parking lot attendant in the same spot every Sunday -week after week -never coming inside to hear the message, it tells me that the message really is not that important and  you're not going to really learn or grow from it. 

 Otherwise the church would require the workers to sit down during the service and learn something - take a few notes- & also participate in prayer. 

 So the sermon (& even prayer) apparently is just some sort of ceremony we all sit thru and go to - maybe it's good for families with kids - but for the rest of us -we already know it all -so why go to church at all ? 

I'll  just grab a coffee & go direct traffic in the parking lot or be a security guard & tune everything else out - just watch the people & make sure they stand & sit & obey. Or be an usher at the same door πŸšͺ for 25 years - just make sure people go in, & get out when its over.

  This is what Rolling Hills Covenant is REALLY teaching me. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022



#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !


#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !

REPORTING BAD TRUCKER from SunView Logistics (license plate # was 4TV131) on highway 90 approaching Langry TX

 from SunView Logistics 
(license plate # was 4TV131) 

Around 5pm on March 11 2022 I was going west on highway 90 approaching Langry TX using cruise control to maintain a steady speed of 60mph. Lots of drivers want to go faster and so, whenever there's a "pull off" for slower traffic, I use it and allow others to pass. 

However, it is NOT my obligation to put on my brakes and stop or even slow down to allow them to pass. It is THEIR obligation to be going faster or speed up in order to successfully pass before the pull off merges back to one lane.

 A trucker from Sunview Logistics was NOT going fast enough to successfully pass. I waited as long as I could to the last moment and he was NOT increasing in speed as we approached the return to one lane. I was STILL in front of him so I merged back in and he continued to try to pass even with oncoming traffic.

 I had to FLOOR my gas pedal to avoid a dangerous situation. He was 100% wrong and I think was having one of those "hollywood moments" in his head (ie "a legend in his own mind") .

 I think his license plate # was 4TV131 . I drive 1000's of miles regularly and have a perfect driving record without conflict with others. Please REPRIMAND your driver. Very rash and dangerous of him.