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“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32

The Washington Times stories: World

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Peters Family Not Always in Agreement with One Another : a grandson refutes his grandfather Leo Peters in Chimes 1989

Peters Family Not Always in Agreement with One Another : 
a grandson refutes his grandfather Leo Peters in Chimes 1989
(Phil Kok is the son of Jim & Linda Kok. Linda was one of Leo Peters six daughters from his first marriage. Linda married Jim Kok, a Calvin College basketball star in the 50's who later became a CRC pastor. Linda attended GR Christian High. Jim attended Holland Christian, although he also lived in Bellflower CA during his elementary school years, being the son of a CRC pastor as well). Leo Peters also had 3 children from his 2nd marriage, after his 1st wife Helen died at a young age. 

The children of Jim & Linda also grew up mostly in Grand Rapids & 3 of the 4 attended GRCH at the same time that the children of Leo Peters 2nd marriage were there also. Mark, Ani, & Teri were the 3 kids from Leo's 2nd marriage. 

After GRCH all 4 of Jim & Linda's kids went on to Calvin College and Phil was there at the time that his grandfather Leo Peters began his attack on Calvin College and Howard Van Til re the book "The 4th Day" that questioned the timeline of the Biblical creation story .. 

Around this time Phil penned this short letter to the Chimes . 

Saturday, June 11, 2022

HOW FBI ENTRAPPED PATRIOTS ON JAN6 "Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6 - "

Not just Ray Epps. Numerous FBI agents enticed innocent patriots unknowingly into restricted capitol area & subsequent prosecution for trespassing. In other words textbook entrapment just like the hoax Witchmer kidnapping plot in MI. 

"The clip below is checkmate. It should make ScaffoldCommander one of the top criminal suspects on the entire FBI Capitol Most Wanted List (spoiler alert: he isn't even on the list, and no charges have been filed, and the FBI to date has still never acknowledged his existence.." 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Walmart at 19340 Hawthorne Blvd, Torrance, CA 90503

Cashier felt it necessary to inform everybody that she was experiencing 'menopause'. Appropriate? 
Will she tell us when she's having her period too ?

re American Tire Depot @ 141 W Foothill Blvd, Pomona, CA

re American Tire Depot @
141 W Foothill Blvd, 
Pomona, CA 91767

Richard is the best mechanic, & honest. Josh is decent but you got to push him a little to get the best deal. You have to bargain with him. Don't accept first offer. Make a counter - offer. 

Then there's a BIG fat fellow who DOESN'T seem to know much about anything. He hangs around in the garage - maybe does tires only. He tries to intimidate people. That may be the main reason I won't return. They DON'T need a bouncer. He should be fired πŸ‘Ž

Sunday, June 5, 2022

I remember driving by this little historic movie theatre (Gardena Cinema) but never managed to go there for a movie. Sadly , now it has finally closed (2021)

I remember driving by this little historic movie theatre (Gardena Cinema) but never managed to go there for a movie. Sadly , now  it has finally closed (2021) 

this starbucks in palos verdes is NO LONGER HERE in 2022. used to be SO popular & busy. What happened ?

this starbucks in palos verdes is NO LONGER HERE in 2022. used to be SO popular & busy. What happened ? I don't go to starbucks anymore so it doesn't bother me-- I stopped going once I found out they support planned parenthood. ProLife  people should NOT support starbucks .  

A Day in the Life: Check this out: Dear Teacher. I was the substitute ...

 Dear Teacher. 
I was the substitute ... 
(based on true event but all real
names removed or altered)