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“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32

The Washington Times stories: World

Sunday, July 31, 2022

👎re Coos Bay Public Library: The security guard stood & watched my vehicle until.i left. Is that harassment ?

👎The security guard walked to the parking lot as I was leaving & then stood watching my vehicle until.i left. Is that harassment ? Was he also surveilling my car to see if i had an out-of-state license plate ? Seemed so. My state DOESN'T do that to visitors from Oregon. 

To the girl with the Montfort sweatshirt & dog 🐶

To the girl with the Montfort sweatshirt & dog 🐶 Cape Arago State Park. It's ok to say hi if somebody says a friendly hi in passing even if it's a single guy. Maybe you've been taught that every single guy is a horny dog & saying hello is an 'invitation' but that's NOT true. I myself have dedicated myself to God & a consecrated life . I don't look at women as solely sexual objects. It's ok. Relax. It's all good. Have a nice day.

Saturday, July 30, 2022


In general when I enter Oregon from another state I feel as if I am entering another era. There is a simplicity here. & They even pump your gas for you which I actually Don't like but that's another story. Buy I asked for a fill up & when the pump clicked & stopped it wasn't full. Should be a simple matter of clicking the handle again but the guy said he needed my card again. Say what ? You should NOT have to swipe twice for one fill up. And this also sometimes triggers fraud protection at the credit card company. It's a yellow flag to them for some reason so sometimes it will be declined if you swipe it twice in succession same place. Then you have to talk to your company etc. So I just said forget about it. I'll finish somewhere else. But the law about having somebody else pump the gas ⛽ seems to create lack of ambition in the young people working there.its an easy mindless job. But that's NOT always a good thing. As a matter of public policy u want people to grow ...not to drop out of school to pump gas for the rest of their lives 

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

re the angry OCD lady at Peninsula Library Palos Verdes

its usually a good atmosphere BUT -- there are just a FEW obsessive compulsive regulars who ALWAYS sit at the same computer & IF for some reason you happen to sit at "their computer" they become VISIBLY UPSET not just that they can't sit at "THEIR COMPUTER" (which is NOT theirs, but for ANY patron) but they actually become ANGRY at the person sitting at "their computer". It happened to me once-- a female regular actually started muttering negative things about me because I happened to sit at "her computer" . This was around 12 noon-- NOT opening time. She really believed everybody in the world who visits the library should KNOW that this is "her spot " ?  This was BEFORE I realized that she had OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) -- . but the library should NOT be enabling this sort of addictive repetitive behavior especially because it leads to this IRRATIONAL SENSE of ENTITLEMENT to one particular  public computer at a public library. People who enter into the "public spaces" KNOW or should know that we have to be accomodating of one another. This OCD lady is treating it like a private space-- as if she has some PERSONAL RIGHT to sit at the same computer just because she's been coming there for a while now. (honestly, i've been coming here much longer. I remember when she arrived. There's such a negative vibe emanating from her-- which is another strange thing=- people come "up" here to get away from the angry city vibe. But she brings it with her. If she like the angry city vibe, why come to PV library? There's plenty of city libraries to choose from- that have security guards and lots of rules & limits on computer time etc). That would seem to be more to  her  liking. But it's as if she LIKES to make  an angry statement by coming here. Some damn chip on her shoulder. The second she comes in now-- I LEAVE as quick as possible. It feels like an evil presence. Sad. I used to love coming here. 

Saturday, July 2, 2022

video: full hike to Mount Whitney peak with dog Lola

full hike to Mount Whitney peak with dog Lola & night before by Lake Diaz
wow ! I thought I lost this video and I was going thru some old DVD's and this came off of one-- I guess I stored it-- thankfully-- and so here it is--- arriving the night before- camped at Lake Diaz -- starting the hike-- actually thru the night-- no camping & arriving at peak -- cloudy-- no views- and raining on the way back -- double rainbow . Lola exhausted. Me too.