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“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32

The Washington Times stories: World

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Re Washington DC parking enforcement SCAM 😑

Then I walked up and down the same block and noticed how many other parking tickets had the 
" failure to display " and there were several. SCAM 😑

Plus they deliberately leave off the instruction to display the paper receipt on your dashboard in order to write a citation to make money.
There's  no other reason. 

Furthermore they already know if you paid or not using their electronic device which is why you include your license plate when you pay at the multimeter space.

The new Wash DC parking enforcement SCAM.

 11:25 AM on Mon, Jan 23, 2023:

The new Wash DC parking enforcement SCAM. Even tho they know with their device if u paid or not, if u DON'T put receipt on dash U get a $50 ticket. Nor do they say anywhere to place the paper receipt on the dash. 

(most modern cities that use electronic devices do not require nor need the paper proof on the dash)

"Failure to display a meter receipt has eclipsed  expired meter violations & is the leading reason for getting a ticket"