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“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32

Thursday, September 26, 2024

review of Mountain View Library

DISAPPOINTED with the Latina security guard : She obviously decided IN HER MIND that I was a "new white guy" at the library who needed to be watched. Truth is I've been coming here for more years than she's probably worked here. And I've lived in this country longer than her.  But I don't come here very often anymore.

 Anyways, I'm sitting at a table all by myself away from everybody on a hot day and my feet get sweaty so sometimes  I just slip my heels out and keep  my toes in them. I don't know how she noticed my feet under the table with the laptop case also obstructing the view but SURE ENOUGH here she comes finding something to NITPICK about; telling me I need to keep my shoes on.

I realized she must have been watching me from behind looking for something to "get" on me, thinking this gives her authority over me. Disappointing. I thought this old school power & control crap was a thing of the past. 

I'm freakin 57 years old and she's treating me like a juvenile delinquent (just because I'm a white male) . Can you say "prejudice" ?  It's baked into the cake.