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“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Check out this review of Menlo Park Library on Google Maps 

Update: 1 day later I confirmed my hunch : upon arrival i saw the same female employee (dark hair & face mask , maybe Latina or Asian? ) . Walking to the back I noticed at least 2 people with shoes 👟 off . I sat down & worked on my laptop 💻 for 2 hours. During this entire 2-hour period the same lady never came back to the area. And at least 5 other employees walked thru but said NOTHING to the 2 people with their shoes off. Hmmm.

 Yesterday, the gal came back within the 1st 15 minutes I was there as if intentionally looking to "get something" on me. Now I can't fully relax here knowing I am a targeted person ( why me ? What did I do ? I'm a good guy, a nice guy ) 
initial entry: Since they decided to come after me "Search & Destroy Style" for having my sandals off in the farthest corner of the library, next time I will be watching to make sure they NITPICK every single other person. You have set the NORM. You must abide by your own rule enforcement now. You can't just nitpick me. you MUST NITPICK EVERYBODY.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

re Menlo Park LIbrary

so i walk past a bunch of library patrons , a few bedraggled homeless and their bags & stuff, all the way to the back corner of the library, nobody near  by. I kick off my sandals under the table (and no, my feet are not smelly). I start working on my laptop when suddenly a female employee sneaks up behind me and says "Excuse me sir, you need to keep your shoes on" . Say what ?

I see all kinds of behavior that library staff never enforces, but they choose to find me in the furthest corner of the library with my feet "bare" under the table not bothering anybody ?

I know this game: Get something on the new white guy ASAP, so that we have "something on him" and won't become demanding. Problem is I'm NOT the new white guy. I've been around. Maybe you just haven't seen me before. And you don't need to get something on me. I'm not here to find fault with  you. I'm not the "boss". Just leave me alone and we'll all be fine. Don't nitpick me ! Oh, at the same time she was nitpicking me, I could see a fellow across the room with his shoes off under the table, and she didn't say anything to him.  

Friday, September 27, 2024

Check out this review of Stanford University on Google Maps 

In general I'd give 5 stars but I give it 3 stars because of what happened today and it's just one individual that caused it so it's not a reflection on Stanford itself. Although she was probably a student. 

So I'm at Encina Hall 123 which is a place where they have frequent lectures. I came in a few minutes late so everybody's already seated and I set my laptop and jacket on top of the table by the door assuming it's very safe and sound right there. 

There's one seat open which I find. And I listen to the lecture, & a few minutes later a gal comes in, and of all places she DECIDES TO TRY TO SIT ON THE TABLE. And the table is strange because it tips intentionally for some reason so any kind of weight on the edge of it will cause it to basically flip to the side. 

And lo & behold as she puts her butt on the table there goes my laptop and jacket sliding down the table to the floor with a big thump 👎😦. 

She didn't seem to even try to catch it. Nor did she even try to pick it up. I couldn't believe it. So I have to scoot past everybody again to get back over there and pick it up HOPING AGAINST HOPE that it's not broken. 

Dropping laptops on the ground is not exactly good for them. Fortunately it was in the case. And maybe my jacket acted as a cushion and landed on it. And she didn't even say sorry when I went over there. 

Now I'm sitting through the rest of the lecture anxiously wondering if this thing is going to start again & work properly . So the first thing I do is find an empty room after the lecture and start it up and MIRACULOUSLY everything still worked. Thank God, literally 👆.

 Needless to say, this was a
 so-called smart Stanford student which could have been made a little less upsetting if she had been conscientious about trying to pick it up and making the effort to apologize. But it didn't happen. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

review of Mountain View Library

DISAPPOINTED with the Latina security guard : She obviously decided IN HER MIND that I was a "new white guy" at the library who needed to be watched. Truth is I've been coming here for more years than she's probably worked here. And I've lived in this country longer than her.  But I don't come here very often anymore.

 Anyways, I'm sitting at a table all by myself away from everybody on a hot day and my feet get sweaty so sometimes  I just slip my heels out and keep  my toes in them. I don't know how she noticed my feet under the table with the laptop case also obstructing the view but SURE ENOUGH here she comes finding something to NITPICK about; telling me I need to keep my shoes on.

I realized she must have been watching me from behind looking for something to "get" on me, thinking this gives her authority over me. Disappointing. I thought this old school power & control crap was a thing of the past. 

I'm freakin 57 years old and she's treating me like a juvenile delinquent (just because I'm a white male) . Can you say "prejudice" ?  It's baked into the cake.  

Sunday, September 22, 2024

re Auto Zone on San Pablo, Berkeley CA

Thanks to the Auto Zone crew at this location for all your help. I know his name is not Isaac but that's what I thought it was- anyways he helped remove my battery from a tricky spot, and the other fellow helped put it back in. All the while I thought I lost my phone somewhere during the wait; only to discover it had fallen down into the engine! Glad I found it before I drove away. It sat in there while I let the engine idle for about 10 minutes getting very hot; but still worked. Praise the Lord! It was not "in my sheets" which Isaac suggested to check; but didn't make sense to me. The "sheets"? THen I realized he must have come out to talk to me when I had walked to McDonalds and he must have seen all the stuff in my car - and made an assumption. I don't blame him, but the truth is I am moving across country- back east (not permanently; working on another degree) ! I put as much stuff as I could in my vehicle, and shipped the rest. I know it looks like a mess and people make assumptions. I was just passing thru Berkeley when I had a few issues and decided to be on the safe side by getting the battery charged. Anyways, that's the back story, to help you understand. Also thanks to the manager- she was also very nice and helpful. God bless you all

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Balboa branch library, Newport Beach ⛱️ 

I don't like it when employees act as if they're the hosts and we're the guests. Those of us who live here are taxpayers and so we are PARTIAL CO-OWNERS of the library. And if the library receives Federal funding which it probably does then even people from out-of-state are partial co-owners. But more important than where the money is coming from is a sense of care and concern for the library. Which I have a LOT of. I want to see the library stay in NICE condition and keep a good environment.

 Those who care about, & use the library most, have the greatest investment. Employees are good but some are just doing it for easy money. Let's face it. It's not a difficult job sitting behind the desk all day.

 Those employees who TRULY CARE about the library and the patrons are more invested in the library as well. We are co-owners together. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

re Firestone Complete Auto Care, Tustin Ave, Santa Ana CA

Firestone Complete Auto Care on Google Maps

i just don't like it that they call me "boss" on the paper that tells the mechanic what is the issue that the "customer" is concerned about. I am a customer or client or patron, not "the boss" and not your boss. I don't pretend to be the boss or the authority etc. In my experience, calling a person "boss" is a little bit snarky. Please don't keep doing it. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

re Ray's Auto Repair on Lomita Ave in Harbor City CA 

After returning from a cross-country trip to the East Coast and back I decided my car needed new struts & shocks. Especially in the East Coast with all the bumpy roads there it was banging like crazy. Not so bad out here in the west coast where the roads don't get as bumpy and potholed ( because we don't have the cold weather,) but I still wanted to do new struts for preventive maintenance. 

So I checked around different places to see how much they would charge me just for labor and Ray came out with a VERY LOW OFFER of $240. I wasn't going to argue with that, so after receiving the struts via eBay I brought them to Ray, and he did them very quickly. He knows all the expert shortcuts. 

However, I wonder if he has a memory issue or if this was just something he decided to circumvent. Cuz when I went to pay, the price was now $340. Even at $340 that would still be the lowest price offer. I was actually planning on giving him a nice tip but since he jacked it up $100 I decided to pay that price without arguing. 

I also asked him to let me know if he saw anything underneath that I should be concerned about. He didn't have any suggestions after the job was done and after taking it for a test drive.

 It was actually Ray's grandson who gave me a subtle tip about changing my tires. The grandson must have noticed my two tires on the passenger side were getting bad. I had not noticed it because the wear and tear was on the inside that you wouldn't see unless you got underneath a little bit.

 I had noticed the weird wonkiness and vibrations & wasn't sure what that was all about. The new struts and shocks helped it a little bit, but it was still vibrating & getting worse. So after leaving there a few days later I had other things checked out elsewhere and then I noticed how bad the two tires were. I appreciate the grandson's advice.

 But why didn't Ray give me a STRAIGHT HEADS-UP about that ? He must have felt it when he took a test drive as well. When I saw the tires especially after they had been taken off, anybody would know these were REALLY BAD. And since he was underneath, I would assume he would have noticed that, especially if the grandson had as well. 

I'm not too proud to admit I need all the help I can get when it comes to auto repair. I was never taught anything about it growing up, and I just keep learning little by little as I as I go. 

Otherwise, mostly good experiences with Ray 👍

Friday, July 26, 2024

Re Ibotta cash back app

Ibotta does a pretty good job about offering rebates on purchases, but sometimes they have snags when you purchase the same item, same purchase, even if the offer says "limit of 5" for example. 

More than once I've purchased 5 items that are supposed to give me $1 cash back each, with a 5 item limit per purchase. Yet Ibotta only automatically gives $2 cash back. You have to go thru the process of reporting "missing cash back" and sometimes scanning each items code.

 Or if this doesn't work then you have to contact Ibotta support by email and wait for them to do an in-person review.  Sometimes they will ask for a photo of something etc. usually you will get what was offered if it is all legit, but it's a little aggravating.

 Sometimes since it's only a few dollars you just give up. But everything on Ibotta is just a few dollars. I've made 100's of dollars on "just a few dollars" and appreciate ibotta.
I hope they can resolve this  "glitch".

Monday, July 15, 2024

re the Famous Big Texan restaurant, Amarillo TX 

So I was driving by to take a few pics of the exterior just as some white guy & his wife are walking towards the entrance. Apparently they find it odd or suspicious of me (also a white guy) to be taking pics of a famous restaurant. So the guy leaves his wife by the door & walks back to his shiny red chariot (pickup truck)( that he will be paying monthly payments on until 2030, because it makes him feel like a big man) and moves it 50 feet from a shady spot to a hot sunny spot right next to the entrance because me taking pics of the restaurant from my vehicle may indicate I am a potential car thief . 😁😆😅😂🤣🤣. You're bad for America dude 👎. You're an effin loser no matter how big and shiny your pick-up truck may be.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

"we don't need no missionaries around here "

"we don't need no missionaries around here " said the public school principal 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

re panda 🐼 express at Stanford University

 The problem here is that when I pick up orders for delivery 🚚 some of the girls behind the counter are so GROUCHY 😡😨. Not all, but too many. I always try to be polite and patient and respectful, but some NEVER say thanks or smile. It's depressing. 

I think there are some who believe that they don't need to be nice to me because I am " just a delivery person". Truth is I do deliveries occasionally, maybe make $ 25 to $50 per week. It helps cover a few bills during these tough times. 

I'm also a graduate with 3 degrees . I've worked various menial jobs in my life & also as a professional and also stayed in school. Never quit school. Never dropped out as tempting as it was to do so. 

I've always lived by the philosophy to treat everybody nicely.🙂 Always try to. What I don't understand is why a person working behind the counter would treat me less kindly because I'm "just a delivery person"; which makes me ask how they think they should be treated if they're just a counter girl ? 

They don't believe they should be treated kindly and respectfully because they just work behind a counter ? Or do they think they're better than me because they work behind the food counter and I'm a delivery person? I never knew a food worker was superior to a delivery person.

 Whoever is the manager there maybe you can talk to the girls ( i didn't see any guys) and let them know that they should simply be kind and nice and a little bit of a smile to EVERYBODY to make this whole world 🌍a better place👍.

 Rather than pick & choose who to "act nice to" and who to treat with a blank state and no niceties 👎😡

(70's pic) One of these is a famous missionary today

Monday, May 20, 2024

re archaeology dept at Stanford 

They have one of the most regular weekly lunch speaker events which has it's pros & cons. The cons are that it becomes a clique after a while. There are regulars there who seem like they haven't missed a lunch in decades. 

And they keep track ( in their minds) of who's who. These regulars are not very impressive individuals. One in particular is a major slob. And it's not as if they are eminent scholars. They just happen to be in the same place at the same time every week for years on end . 

Even the speakers they bring in sometime are exceedingly boring & dull (which apparently is the way they like it). And they DON'T sincerely like "outsiders". The dept chair may give platitudes in his welcome but if they decide to not like you they make it known thru micro aggressions, including the "Stanford stare" or "evil eye" . 

One guy with a big beard on repeat occasions would turn & give me a prolonged stare as if to say "who are you ?" even though I'd been coming there for a while.

 It's unethical & simply despicable for them to open it to the public if they don't really want us there. Just open it up to your cronies. It's not as if I'm a total dummy just coming out of a tent on the street to get a free lunch.

 I do have two bachelors and a Masters from good institutions, but I'm not one of those who likes to compare degrees. I let my accomplishments speak for itself .

 My purpose for originally attending this weekly lunch was to try to learn something. I always try to pick up a new nugget of wisdom or insight to add to my knowledge base. 

But I felt uncomfortable after a while with some of the supercilious attitudes I encountered. So I stopped attending even though I'm usually on campus on Wednesdays. I don't have any desire to return. 

You can have your little ladies coffee hour all to yourself & engage in group think. Congratulations . And I thought this was an institution of higher learning. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

⭐ Watch ""100's of students, many carrying Israeli flags, marched 👍🇮🇱 @Stanford" on YouTube


"Hundreds of students, some carrying Israeli flags, marched a half-mile to White Memorial Plaza on the Palo Alto campus, where about 40 pro-Palestinian campers have been sleeping outside in tents. ..
Organizers from the L'chaim Club, a Jewish student organization, said that "students of many backgrounds" were invited to protest what they called a "movement on campus" that endorses terrorism.."

Condolences ✝️ 💜🙏"Bodies of Three Israeli Hostages Found in Rafah - Including Body of 28-Year-Old Amit Buskila Who Was Kidnapped at the Nova Youth Music Festival - Truly Barbaric "

Friday, May 17, 2024

Rumsey Map center, Stanford Green library review 

I went to a nice conference here... But during the coffee break when I went to get a cup of coffee ☕, a white lady who was also attending the conference stood directly in front of the coffee spigot and refused to move while talking to another person. 

Even after I nicely said "excuse me" she pretended not to hear me and wouldn't budge. She was literally bullying me. I've never experienced such a pig🐖- headed person. This was supposed  to be polite company but she was just a selfish SLOB 😡👎🐖🐖🐖

Otherwise, the experience here is usually positive.  ( Oh, there was also the guy sitting behind me with  a bad cold, who kept coughing 😷. Dude, if you're sick, just stay home. Don't punish the rest of us with your illness) 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Exhibit A "Roger Greenway was one of those old school professors who s. harassed in subtle ways such as this

This goes with the previous post re same person . 

Actually I may as well re- post the words I wrote as well: 

"It would be considered sexual harassment now, but back in the day when I was a student it was common and some Christian schools and even at Calvin College for insecure male teachers or professors to needle students who threatened their insecure ego. It was their M.O. 

These teachers would take cheap shots in subtle ways about a student's "manhood" or "masculinity". One way they would do this was to raise their eyebrows and say "very creative " in response to a thought you shared or something you wrote, etc. 

Sometimes they'd just do it one-to- one. Other times they'd do it in public, even in the classroom. It was definitely not appropriate for sure but they would get away with it back then as part of their "bully pulpit." 

Because back then these self- proclaimed so-called "manly men" deemed "creativity " to be a non-masculine trait. 

Or in some cases if a professor couldn't get away with doing something demeaning himself, he would encourage another student to do so. At Calvin College and Seminary if they called you 'dude' that was also a little bit of a slur. 

For example, a professor might be speaking with one student and they might say about another student oh he's a dude," with an insinuating tone. And encourage that student to marginalize the other student as a dude. And this would also help take the light off of that professor who might be the actual less than virtuous person. It would especially help them if they could pit one student against another. 

One of the most egregious professors in this regard at Calvin Seminary was Roger Greenway (Bob DeVries may be second. Cal Van Reken was up there as well). They actually considered this unethical behavior as "gamemanship".  

Roger above all was highly threatened by my alpha male presence and more than once took some little unethical and inappropriate cheap shots at me such as the above. Or was intrusive. 

One time we had a banquet at the beginning of the year, and I had to go make a phone call. This was before cell phones, so I had to find a public phone. And we were at a public restaurant, not at the Seminary. So I stepped out for a few minutes. IT was an important phone call that couldn't wait. When I came back he was demanding, " Where were you? Where'd you go?" as if it was any of his business. I didn't even know him at that time.

I didn't even know his name. I didn't even know he was a professor. This was a banquet for new students, including professors and other staff as well. There were a lot of faces that I did not know at that time. I was not new to Calvin College; had already gotten my bachelor's degree there , but I was new to Calvin Seminary. 

He took an over- the- top special interest in everything about me which felt weird; even in this case taking special interest in why I was absent from the banquet for 5 or 10 minutes. 

What if I had been in the restroom with diarrhea or something? Is that his business as well ? This isn't like we're in elementary school or kindergarten where the teacher has to know everything about the kid like a parent. This is basically graduate school. 

Roger actually made the mistake of continuing to take shots at me even after I had left Calvin Seminary, and all the more stupidly, he did so in writing. And once I find that letter that I still have somewhere, I will post it as evidence. 

But you see these low- level professors* would use the word "creative" & other similar enigmatic words because it's ambiguous enough to use as "double speak." This way they are covering their tracks and they can deny that they meant anything derogatory, if confronted by a complaint, or a superior investigating their behavior. 

"Dude" passed as doublespeak in that regard as well because you could argue that it's an affectionate way of talking to a fellow person. 

Roger Greenway has passed away, so I won't go on and on... I won't go on any further, but it's worth mentioning because there might be some professors still trying to get away with this this sort of bully behavior, and maybe some students can pick up a few tips from this information. Greenway was part of the reason that I decided to transfer to a different Seminary. 

 Don't allow professors to take advantage of you. They have ethical responsibilities and obligations that come with their teaching position; and belittling students is a violation of those ethical standards. 

*Note: It's usually only a small amount of professors who need to use this kind of unethical "classroom control", (or even outside the classroom in some cases). It's the professors who do NOT have real great command of their content, or don't have any real command at all. So they begin struggling for class control; feel insecure , and begin belittling students as a way to silence them.

 Coincidentally, both Roger Greenway and Bob DeVries may have been hired more for "legacy" reasons, or nepotism ( ie sons of professors or pastors) rather than any real great academic command or proficiency. I'm not sure about Cal Van Reken. "

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Pasadena is NOT improving, They are getting worse & more CORRUPT , even on New Year's Day , See

Pasadena is NOT improving, They are getting worse &
         more CORRUPT, 
                    even on               New Year's Day 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Does Stanford have a SLOB epidemic ⁉️

Does Stanford have a SLOB epidemic ⁉️ at Stanford's nicest auditorium he puts his feet up like he's at home in his rat- 🐀 infested living room (not a student, not sure what language he was speaking either)

response to article in Cowboy State Daily

Re story about "Californian in Mini" causing problems in snow on I-80 . The problem I have is pigeon-holing people according to their current "legal residence".

 Many of us were born & raised in 1 place, college elsewhere, temporarily reside here & there, etc. a person with a CA plate could actually by a Wyoming person who for whatever reason has CA residence, or dual residence, etc. by referring to a person as a Californian or Montanan or whatever, is reductionist for the sake of dumbing us all down & even sometimes harmful prejudice. 

Our modern world is much more complex & intricate than it was decades ago when people who were born somewhere stayed there forever. How about "fellow American" ? 

Friday, March 8, 2024

x1000 Prayers for morbidly obese Olga at annual conference, e 3/8/24

Clicker: 1000

Sum: 1000 

Naboj icadooh

"Olga" (not real name) is seriously ill and needs our prayers before she dies of a heart attack due to morbid obesity. Please pray 🙏🙏🙏🙏✝️🙏🙏🙏 for a gentle wakeup call for Olga . God please intervene! Hear our prayers 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Why are some @Stanford students such CHICKENS 🐔🐔🐔 when walking at night?

Why are some @Stanford students such CHICKENS 🐔🐔🐔 when walking at night? Sometimes I'm walking back to my car & some act like they're little red riding hood (even a guy one time) & I'm the wolf 🐺🐺🐺.

I can assure you I'm just as nervous crossing paths with you not b/c ur threatening but because you DON'T have any self confidence. You're like little squirrels 🐿️🐿️🐿️ afraid of anything that moves. Be strong💪💪💪. Stop thinking in terms of "just little special me" 

Take some self-defense 🥋🥊 classes if it will help your confidence, or carry some pepper spray if it makes you feel better. You're NOT little kids anymore. Start growing up. That's what college is about. 

And I can assure you 95 to 99% of people DON'T CARE how special u
THINK u are. 

And to the  Stanford administration: please consider offering classes to help your young students gain confidence when walking alone. Scared students are like scared hikers: they let their imagination get the best of them
ruin it for everybody else. 

Fear is contagious and so is courage. What's more beneficial? You're supposed to be helping these kids grow up not just by memorizing and regurgitating,  but also emotionally & physically amongst other things. 

Maybe a lot of these kids grew up in suburbs and the Stanford setting doesn't challenge them enough in terms of "street smarts". Bring some people in to show them how to be tough, or at least ACT TOUGH in the right circumstances rather than thinking of themselves as little lambs 🐑. And how to discern between a real danger versus a nice guy. 

Offer  some lectures showing statistics that most people are NOT predators, NOT even most muscular males. (And that muscular males can be their best protectors, but not if you treat them like predators). 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

re respect for those who served 🇺🇲🪖🎖️ (not their adult children who didn't)

I respect veterans and those who serve our country 🇺🇲but not necessarily the adult children of these military 🎖️🪖 persons (that do not serve themselves) who puff themselves up because of their father's service (or mother )
 ( like Megan McCain for example)

If you didn't personally serve your country you don't get the same respect by virtue of being a child of somebody who valiantly served. You get regular respect for being a decent citizen (hopefully)

cc: Bob Kok

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Dear Bob Ko K (Coke) I love you so much in Christ (Agape) and all the Ko K family .. we've been thru

Dear Bob Ko K (Coke)  I love you so much in Christ (Agape) and all the Ko K (Coke)  family .. we've been thru  so much together as an extended family. Can we not  we show love and kindness and benevolence towards one another ? Can we not be united in Christ as well as an extended family.? Your family has been thru a lot. We love you all. I am not sure how my communication was misinterpreted but it was all intended with love and respect for you and all the Coke family . I pray for reconciliation and peace. I receive kind and respectful dialogue with other family members. Is it only you (singular) that remains antagonistic towards me ? Bob, I love you (agape) in Christ and always will. None of your language or non-loving correspondence will change this to the end. God be with you. May you talk to Jesus Christ and ask for a spirit of reconciliation and kindness and peace in His name. Be filled with the love of the  Holy Spirit Bob. I claim not personal perfection in extending an olive branch . If we all had to be perfect persons before we could preach Christ, the pulpits would be empty. Hear my prayer for you (singular) as well as all of our extended family. 

In Christ Forever

Joy Lender 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

12/14/23 Can't recommend "24 roadside service" 👎😡in San Carlos CA (no physical address?) 

Re "24 roadside service"
San Carlos CA
no physical address?
The guy who did the jump start was ok.But the dispatch dude (who is also the owner named Rick) was a jerk to me on phone 👎😡. In addition to insulting me, he answers the phone without announcing who they are ( ie just says "hello" like you're calling a homeowner. So you have to first ask "is this roadside service?") . Needless to say, I asked my roadside to change to a different responder but it was too late. Never again.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Memorial Church, Stanford 

12/8/23 I've been coming to Stanford Memorial Church ⛪ for many years now, & tonight I attended the sing-along Christian worship ("festival of lessons & carols") which I thought would include the Catholics &  be ecumenical, but it turned out to be mostly composed of  the group led by the black leader from the Sunday 11am progressive service,  which is fine (although I'm not progressive, but conservative). However I would have liked if it had included the Catholics.

 Nonetheless, it started out nice & peaceful -very Christmas-y music . However, around halfway through the service I noticed a lady standing in back of me pacing & then she was kind of wandering around almost like a tourist looking at the walls maybe taking pictures I wasn't sure, & apparently not interested in being here for the service. This is usually frowned upon during a worship service. So I looked back and kind of gave her a hard stare to tell her that she was being bothersome. She apparently didn't care if she was being bothersome,  but she did disappear for a while. 

Then, near the end of the service she reappeared and stood closely behind me. I noticed a few others looking back at her as well as if wondering what she was doing. Stanford students aren't used to being watched by a security guard- you don't get into Stanford by being a bad boy or girl. And you don't need a babysitter. Anyways, I decided to leave a few seconds early because of her creepy presence (yes, some females can be creepy too sometimes) plus I had to get somewhere. 

So I went out the side door & she followed me. At this point, I'm like what the heck is going on? This is turning into harassment. Apparently she didn't even know what was behind the door that I went out, so I don't know what she's doing- like she's pretending to be a security guard or what's going on?! she obviously doesn't know the way things we work around Stanford. Police & security here are usually very low key and cool, NOT suspicious of everybody. 

I think she was kind of African-American, or dark skinned,  but it wasn't obvious exactly her race or ethnicity. She watched me go out the door and looked outside as if she had never seen this side of the church before. So either she was an imposter, or they assigned her to be some kind of attendant even though it was her first time there, which isn't very wise- if she doesn't even know the layout of the church,  & so everything seems suspicious to her. 

There's also a restroom in this hallway . which  would be another practical reason to go through this door & happens periodically during church services. Needless to say,  if this happens again I will make a complaint about her & whoever assigned her to do this, if such is the case.  If you just grab people and ask them to be an attendant or "play security" you need to have give them a little training first, & make sure they have practical skills as well as people skills, and aren't suspicious of everything that moves, or hopefully not just because I'm white at a black-led service. Can you imagine a white person doing this towards a black person? 

Furthermore, my family are big donors to Stanford and they will not be happy to hear about this. None of us here  need to be watched or observed or monitored. I am a very good person & a  good citizen & apparently I've been coming here much longer than this lady who appeared to be here for the first time. And suddenly she's a security guard,  or a wannabee?   That's not the way it works around the Stanford I know. Never has, never will. And at a Christmas service of all things. Good grief. Shame on you 👎.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Don't call me boss

Do you like it when 
SNARKY high school 
dropout clerks call
 you "BOSS" in a
 pseudo- respectful
 manner ⁉️

Monday, November 27, 2023

Menlo Park Hardware 

So I pulled in here I just needed one little wrench to remove the negative battery cable for a moment as I'm traveling. normally I could pull into any Ace hardware across the United States at least back in the good old days and tell them the problem, and they gladly help. However, the person behind the desk was a Latino teenager or young adult and I told him "I don't know for sure what size I need to loosen the battery cable. Can I take this out to my car and check the size and if it works I'll come back and purchase it?" I even offered to leave my driver's license as collateral. He responded glibly "Unfortunately I cannot do that " as if I was some sort of scam artist trying to get a free wrench. So I'm thinking I went up to the wrong cashier. Normally at many Ace hardwares you can find a good old boy who would say "sure no problem", or at least walk out to the car with you. I think those good old boys are here but I just picked the wrong cashier. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

SHAME on Green Library worker 👎😡 @stanford

prayers4 America 🇺🇸 & photos from ALL over USA (@AmeriPrayer1) posted at 4:57 PM on Wed, Oct 25, 2023:

SHAME on Green Library worker 👎😡 @stanford  for NOT allowing me in with digital ID. FYI digital ID
IS now being used in CA in conjunction w/ DMV (pilot program). This is 2023. there's even self-driving cars on the road in the Bay Area. And yet this Stanford worker won't accept digital id to get into the library for a public event ⁉️ is that even Stanford policy or was this worker going ROGUE⁉️💥

Furthermore many other states are allowing digital 🆔

"In March 2022, Apple announced AZ as the first state to offer DIGITAL driver's licenses on iPhones thru users' Wallet app. CO, MD, & GA have since joined AZ. Additionally, states like DE, FL, MS, MO, OK, & UT have adopted digital ID systems"

@Stanford FYI:
digital 🆔 is not a thing of the future, it's HERE & NOW . Of all places, u would expect a cutting- edge institution such as Stanford to be up to par with the NEW NORMAL . OR is Stanford losing it's edge ⁉️

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

re Cecil H Green Library, Stanford 

I've been to several functions here previously with no problem. However on 10/25/23 I arrived near noon for the "Silicon Valley Talks: Chris Clay, "Unstoppable" presentation in Hohbach Hall. Entering the Green Library I was expecting to go thru the check-in and respectfully told the dude at the entrance my purpose but he insisted I register "using a DL or passport ''.

 I don't normally carry my physical license on me anymore , let alone my passport. But I do have an ONLINE COPY which even police will accept these days. It's on my phone- perfect focus etc. 
Front & back. Passport too.

 But the dude refused to accept it. He insisted I go back to my car and get a physical copy. Since I parked on El Camino to avoid a parking ticket & save a few dollars ( NOT all of us are independently wealthy, & Do have a budget) , this would entail a 20-minute walk to my car & a 20-minute walk back. The presentation is only an hour usually.

 I was quite upset that this fellow was being so stubborn about demanding a physical 🆔. I wonder if this is even actual policy or did he just make a knee-Jerk negative response & then double down on it⁉️ I told him this "isn't the Stanford way" and I'm  a big Stanford supporter in terms of attendance.

 I should have asked to speak with a supervisor rather than trying to hope for common sense from this bossy student worker 👎 (btw, most student workers I've encountered here are great 👍. This one seemed to have a bias against me👎).  

If a super sees this, please rectify this so it doesn't happen again. Virtual identification is just as valid as a physical , even preferred in some places these days . 

Joy Lender

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Arrogance at St. Thomas Aquinas Church ,Palo Alto 👎 

It's 10/22/23 & the priest still wears a mask ⁉️ that's too superstitious for me. Then the Asian- American guy comes down in the middle of homily counting HOW MANY BODIES are in the pew, pausing deliberately & arrogantly with his little pencil and paper 📜. He could easily count every single person just standing from the back. & He looks like a supremacist . 

Now the priest is making a political homily saying a country shouldn't try to have revenge against their enemies . Obvious anti-israel message. Self-defense is NOT revenge.

 Unfortunately the far- lefty or just simply low-information congregation sits there passively as I walk out shaking my head. This church seems to have gone ROGUE- maybe the diocese Bishop needs to step in and take a look. Shake things up a little bit. It's bad. Really bad 👎. 

Friday, October 20, 2023

99 Cents Only Stores, Sacramento 

I think they should change 
their name to
 "nothing is 99 cents " anymore. 

But seriously. I got up to the cashier & the cheese that looked like it was 2.99 turned out to be $5 so I said "please take that off" and then she had to call the manager and she said it would take so long I had to go to a different aisle and start my whole order over. 

So I moved over to another aisle in the cashier there an African American female snapped at me and said
 "anytime you take an order 
off it causes the computer to freeze"
She sounded like she was blaming me as if I should have known that. 

So I said " I was supposed to know that ?" She snapped back "I didn't say that". . I replied " you didn't say that in exact words but you said it in your tone" . Then she accused me of being angry even though I wasn't. I was just going with the flow trying to get in and out.

 I only got angry when she start accusing me of being angry even though I wasn't. she tried to flip it. She was the one being angry.. I was being very compatible and understanding of the situation even though I didn't want to wait in line again.

 I was in a good mood even though this happened and now I end up walking out in a bad mood because she was so angry. 😡👎🏽.  

Shame on her 👎🏽

Monday, September 18, 2023

re Ralphs, Irvine CA on Alton

Thanks for spying on me while I was shopping 🛒 after church at St Neumann ⛪.

 I know you want people to CONFORM to your local expectations but I'm NOT from here and KNOW MUCH MORE about our country and world than any of you small- minded workers at Ralph's who have lived in Irvine all your lives. take a risk and experience the real world 🌎.

And even if I don't fit in to your expectations for local customs, it doesn't mean I am a shoplifter. I can assure you I am NOT A SHOPLIFTER

And I shop for specific items using IBOTTA which offers cash back on certain items. That's why I bounce around the store NOT like a local housewife shopping for the husband and 2 kids. 

Try to remember: if something doesn't comply to your local expectations and customs it doesn't make it illegal or wrong. Sometimes it's just unique. And sometimes it's also BETTER. 

Friday, August 25, 2023

re Ray-A-Motive Auto Repair, Bellflower CA 👎😡 

I drove through here as I was driving around town looking for an auto repair cuz my car was clicking and clacking & popping etc. Sounded terrible and I didn't know what it was. I've been to this place before not for a few years. And then I looked and realize how busy it was so I was going to just drive right back out. But this guy walked up and stop me look at me suspiciously and asked me what I wanted.

Obviously if you work at a repair shop you SHOULD HAVE BEEN able to hear my car & know without asking what I needed (or maybe not if you're just an office manager). 

But let me cut to the chase: he seemed like a JERK the way he was talking to me in a condescending manner, like he was some kind of supercilious star or something. Sorry buddy but being an office manager does not make you a star  other than a star in your own eyes. 

 He also started peering in my window like he wanted to see what I had in my car as if he was a cop or something -like he had a right to know what I was carrying with me. 

Fact is, I had my car loaded with stuff because I had been traveling all summer to New York and back. But he apparently disapproved of this as well. I already told him it looked too busy and I was leaving. He had no right to stop me from leaving.

 If he wanted to tell me this was private property I already know that. But during normal business hours it's acceptable to enter private property if the business is open to inquire, do business, look and see how busy it is etc.

 For that matter a grocery store is private property, a gas station is private property etc. I wasn't doing anything illegal. I'm a good citizen. And I was trying to leave, so why was he acting like a jerk and making me stop and tell him what I was doing.

 Simply put, I drove in past the different garage stalls & took the loop around and was heading back out. To treat me like a potential criminal was not warranted 👎🚫. SHAME on you 😡.

 I've been fixing up a nice old vehicle and I've spent a thousand dollars 💰 on repairs in the last month.There's nothing wrong with that. And I pay all my bills & taxes. My tags are current and I have auto insurance fully paid for the year. 

DON'T YOU DARE look down at me dude 👎. You are the one who dropped out of college (or never went) to become an office manager and there's nothing wrong with that but there's something good about finishing the course too, as a lot of us do because we believe it is the right thing to do.

Frankly, It would have been much easier to drop out of college & grad school to become an office manager at an auto repair shop but a lot of us refused to quit. Don't you dare think you are better than me. You judged me negatively first, so I'm judging you back. You started it buddy. Not me.

 I only had honorable intentions as I drove up while you seem to think you're better than others. No you're NOT. You may actually be Worse than the people you are negatively judging. The most famous person in the  history of the world 🌍 once said: "Take the log out of your own eye 👁️ 🌲 first" . Maybe you should listen to him. It's never too late.

#RepentAndBeBaptized 🙏
#AcceptChrist2bSaved ✝️

Joy V 

Friday, August 18, 2023

re alleged parking enforcement @ City of Newport Beach - Civic Center 

Who's the greasy long-haired guy who drives around in a city vehicle pretending to be parking enforcement ⁉️ I was in the library parking lot a little past 9 pm and he came along and told me I couldn't park there after 9 o'clock. And threatened me with a ticket. I said "Why aren't there any signs? How can you write a ticket if there are no signs?" 

There's NOT a single sign saying "No parking after 9" nor any other signs showing any time restrictions. Was he just harassing me because he wrongly assumed that I was a transient ⁉️ That's very offensive and unprofessional 👎😡. 

SHAME on this guy. Anyways, this lightweight dude who disrespected me can't hold a candle to my achievements. I continue to achieve and excel. While this college dropout self -proclaimed parking enforcer does his meaningless night route thru Newport Beach and goes home to his Santa Ana apartment to eat Cheetos & sleep all day like a bum 👎. Get a life dude. And get a haircut 💈 too 


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

re KRLA, aka 870AM The Answer , So Cal 

Larry Marino gives TOO MANY neutral updates on LYIN BIDEN,- & rarely criticism As if he's working for a NON -conservative station.

 And too many milquetoast updates re Trump indictments- that's exactly what the lefties want: repeated reminders of Trump being prosecuted - so that low information voters will think 
he's the "bad guy"

Yo Larry: 870 is conservative radio. You DON'T have to be so politically correct. Listeners tune in to hear

Same re the lady who came over from NPR (who does afternoons: hedy lynn herdes )

Friday, August 11, 2023

Ocd Lifeguard Hq, Corona del Mar

I snorkel/swim 🤿 FOR EXERCISE every day from big CDM 🏖️ beach to little CDM & back. I like to snorkel-swim because it makes it more interesting &fun - to see the fish & sea life down below as I swim by. I would think the lifeguards on the beach at little CDM would be familiar with me by now. Same swimsuit & head gear . Same routine etc. 

But every time I arrive at little CDM they radio for the yellow boat to come & make sure I'm ok. Despite NO signs of DISTRESS.This is getting a bit ANNOYING lately. 

Hey lifeguards, please leave me alone. I'm 56-yo & I've been doing this for decades & NEVER needed rescuing.
 I'm pretty sure I will NEVER need help.
 I absolve you of any liability if anything ever happens to me. 
Just relax. Peace out. ✌️
Everything is OK 👌👍😎 

Friday, August 4, 2023

re Rawlins: Wyoming Frontier Prison Museum

Our young female guide was nice but she seemed to be bothered by being included in photographs. We WEREN'T intentionally including her, but sometimes she was standing directly in front of the object we wanted to "remember on
 film" (that's an old euphemism now given everything is digital now).

 Needless to say, if you are a tour guide you must expect you will show up incidentally or intentionally in photographs from time -to- time. If that's too bothersome, with all due respect, find a different job. 

Apart from that, it was Fun. & Interesting. 👍 I wish they would allw you to see what it's like up in one of the guard towers.

And we were the only ones who gave a tip at the end ($5) . 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

👎re Dayton Transmission, Casper WY

The big guy doesn't tell you there's a so-called "diagnostic fee" of $50 until AFTER they're done (at which point you could LEGALLY object)...and he cowardly uses the ladies in the office as a shield from you becoming argumentative. 

And the diagnosis is nothing more than read 'check engine' codes, which you can get done for free at O'Reilly's , plus a test drive.

They don't even check the quality of your transmission fluid before their grand conclusion that you need a new transmission 👎 for $3600 👎 

It's like a doctor immediately recommending heart surgery before trying smaller steps first. In my case it looks like fresh transmission fluid might be the solution ( still keeping an eye on it) 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

re Dayton Transmission, Casper WY

Very disappointed ☹️. 

First, despite telling me my transmission was NO GOOD and that it would cost me $3600 for a new one, in the MIDST of telling me this he INSISTED I pay a $50 fee for the diagnosis (ie read the codes which I could do for free at O'Reilly's; & test drive ) . 

A reputable place tells you UP FRONT if there is a so-called "diagnostic fee".  I could have LEGALLY OBJECTED to paying anything at all since they didn't tell me up front but they have their whole FREAKIN FAMILY in the office ready to pounce on you . My feeling is that this place is top-heavy with excessive workers making them DESPERATE for every penny. Beware of a desperate mechanic shop. 

Second, it's looking more and more like all I really needed was some fresh transmission fluid. I'm still in the verification process but that's what it's looking like.

And I was literally on the verge of going to this place he recommended that buys cars and selling it for a low price thinking the repair cost is more than the vehicle is worth. He spoke with such bombastic blustering confidence saying he doubted I would even make it to Shoshoni, let alone Jackson blah blah blah. 

The truth is there were some codes indicating problems with the transmission- that is true- but that's because the transmission fluid was so hot and burned out (in conjunction with the extreme weather 🌡️ heat).

 I even asked to try a transmission fluid change & he scoffed and again said " that might help you get to Shoshoni but that's about it". He seemed fixated on Shoshone. 

Fact is that same night I drove through the night through Shoshone to Thermopolis and there I took care of things. 

Furthermore, during all of this he started acting like an interrogator: when I mentioned the problems first starting in Colby Kansas he said suspiciously 
" I thought you were coming from Laramie..

Yes, I was coming from Laramie yesterday, but prior to that I was coming from Denver and prior to Denver I was coming from Kansas City & Colby Kansas is in between.

And prior to Kansas City I was in Pittsburgh and prior to  Pittsburgh I was in Buffalo prior to Buffalo I was in Cleveland etc etc. Did he think I was going to tell him my life story? 

Fact is I've been driving across the country since May from California to New York and now back to CA. But my plan was to stop in Jackson for a few days WHERE I USED TO LIVE on the way back to CA . And no, I am not a Californian. I grew up in Michigan & Iowa and have since lived in Hawaii, Spain,Costa Rica, & California among other places. 

Anyways, instead of selling my car for half of what it's worth or paying for a new transmission for twice what my car is worth, I have been in the process of doing a gradual transmission fluid change & and it seems to be working, for less than $100. 

A good transmission place would have taken a sample of my transmission fluid and seen that it was BURNT and BLACK. And the first thing to try should be a GRADUAL transmission fluid change. I figured that out on my own without any mechanical training. I take out a Quart from the top, and put in a quart from the top. Then I drive & let it mix . And repeat. Until I've replaced about 8 quarts at least.

There's only two reasons why a transmission shop wouldn't suggest this: either 1) they're obtuse , or 2) this isn't very profitable for them ( nonetheless you got to take the good with the bad as a for-profit Enterprise . You can't mislead customers just because you think you can get away with it. That's called dishonesty. And it's illegal to recommend something a customer doesn't really need. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Saint Augustin's Catholic Church, Des Moines Iowa 6/7/23

Saint Augustin's Catholic Church 

6/7/23 So I had never been here before and I pulled in for the 8 a.m mass. I went to the big parking lot and there were no cars at 750 , only another omnipresent obsessive compulsive lawnmower service who stared at me like I was an ET Martian (undoubtedly having noticed my CA plate). (but born in Iowa).

 I was wondering did I get the time wrong? so I pulled around to the front oval where there were a few cars & some people going in, & parked behind a car & left my car running ( because sometimes it has trouble restarting if I'm starting and stopping too much) - I just wanted to make sure I'd be there for a while before I turned my car off) 

A few seconds later a lady stepped out of the car in front of me- she was dark-haired kind of a mid-eastern complexion - and stared at me suspiciously, a white Iowa- born boy with Dutch heritage. 

Not only did she stare at me suspiciously, I realized a few minutes later that she was HIDING behind her car SPYING on me . It was now around 8:01 am and it was looking like this mass is a little bit too small for my comfort.

 I've been a visitor at small chapel -style masses before and when you're not part of the neighborhood you feel too conspicuous, like a stranger sitting in somebody's family room . So I decided to keep going on since I was passing through to Iowa City. 

So I started pulling out and the mid-eastern lady jumped out from behind her car and was either taking a picture of me or writing down my license plate or both. It was very disturbing. I tried to smile and wave but she had already made a negative judgment about me .

 There would be no convincing her of anything otherwise. So I just kept driving and I hope somebody reads this maybe this lady herself.

 This is not how you treat people in America. Especially at church. And when you come to church you DON'T want to be treated suspiciously. Church is about the LOVE of Christ.❤️✝️🙏🙂
 Not negative suspicion 

John Evangelist

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

I made $20 bucks on my 1st 2 trips to the grocery store 💥Join me on Ibotta!

No fees. No hidden terms.
No strings attached. 

Hey! Thought you'd like to download IBOTTA to save money! It's a free app that gets you cash back on everyday purchases. Make $5 just for signing up with my referral code 'sygmkse'. 

Go to →


And For those of you who are independently wealthy and don't need any extra money , you can at least use the earnings to GIVE TO OTHERS.🤎✝️

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

re Peninsula Center Library, Palos Verdes

I'm CONCERNED that there's a slow but sure creep of certain types of people, including some employees, into this Library & they're dishonestly & unethically trying to take over and PUSH OUT the traditional people who have been here for so many years. 

My guess is that in 10 years from now, maybe sooner, this will feel like an inner city library. 

It will no longer feel like a library that you can relax & read & study & get away from all the crazy city angst. Sad. 👎🏽

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

re O'Reilly Auto Parts, 170 E El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040

There's an African-American employee here who is VERY GOOD at what he does and is helpful and courteous 👍. I ordered a part and paid for it and then I sat and waited for it to arrive.
However when I went back in to get the part the African American employee was not by the counter, and some Latino employee ACTED VERY DISTRUSTFUL TOWARDS ME and accused me of NOT having paid for the part yet, when I asked for it. 

He looked at the computer & said "IT SAYS IT'S NOT PAID FOR." Not only was this NOT TRUE but I had the receipt to prove I paid it. He demanded I go get it (from my car outside) and show it to him.

By the time I returned back inside he shoved it into my hands & DIDN'T APOLOGIZE. 👎 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

I like the investigative reporting done by #GatewayPundit but CAN'T STAND their graphic prostate ads,

I like the reporting done by #GatewayPundit but I literally CANNOT STAND to view their website b/c they always have these GRAPHIC PROSTATE ADS, so to avoid the ads I use Opera mini & turn on AD BLOCKER & Extreme Data Saver.


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Norman F. Feldheym Public Library downtown San Bernardino city library 

Unfortunately this library has a very strong "Brown Power " atmosphere ( ie Chicano) at the expense of black & white people. Any cross-cultural issues or conflicts will be decided in favor of the Latino . They need some whites working here. 

The brown people automatically assume if you are white here it's because you're down and out. I am a highly successful Christian missionary trying to reach the people of this community. It doesn't help when you have Latinos being condescending towards all others. It feels almost like "brown supremacy" 👎


The Samsung Whistle notification has become the MOST UBIQUITOUS ANNOYING phone alert

The Samsung Whistle notification has become the 
Have you heard this somewhere?

And those who have it on their phones NEVER turn it down- it's incessant. You have to demand they turn it down. They are either unaware of it being maddening, or they like to aggravate people around them. And it's like a security blanket to them. It's horrible, terrible, annoying, and sickening. 

I'm asking for an act of congress to stop this annoying tone everywhere. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

If you view media on any sort of device you still "watch TV".

I was chatting with the guide before the tour began and we were talking about the China balloon that was shot down... because I had seen it as i was going thru Myrtle Beach... and then for some reason the guide said something like " I don't watch TV anymore". It Felt more like she was VIRTUE SIGNALING. It doesn't matter What you watch whether you watch something on your handheld device or your computer etc. 

Today, " TV " is a quick way to describe whether you have seen something or not On Any Sort Of Electronic Device . So even if you do not have an old black and white or color television in your living room, if you view media on any sort of device you still "watch TV". And that's okay , it's okay . You're Not a bad person

re Owens-Thomas House & Slave Quarters, Savannah Georgia

re Our guide :I'm not 100% sure her name ( it may have started with a J & ended with an E). She was a petite middle -to- elderly age white lady. She kept pulling the sweater across her chest as if she thought somebody was looking at her upper torso. It became so absurd and annoying after a while because she kept doing it so often, almost obsessive compulsive.

 Then she kept apologizing for slavery and racism and at the end confessed her sins to us and seemed to suggest that we were all guilty (since our group was all white.)

 My family & ancestors personally were northern folk and some of them fought for the Union in the Civil War, and died to set slaves free. So I personally do NOT have any white guilt, neither for my own actions, nor for my ancestors. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Re St. Dominic's New Orleans

I don't mean to be rude but the Catholic church is known and well-regarded for being a "universal church" meaning catholics from Zimbabwe could theoretically walk into a Catholic church in New Orleans and feel right at home. However sometimes some Catholic churches become too " localized" & they treat you like an outsider if you didn't grow up here or you don't live a few blocks away from the parish. I'm afraid that's happened at this church.

 To the priests and to the locals , please remember that this is a church for for all Catholics, NOT just for people who live down the street. If That's what you want , there's a lot of little neighborhood churches you should attend rather than the universal Catholic church. 

In fact it's the visiting Catholics who need a church more than those who live right down the block who are already settled in known by their neighbors  etc. If you hog the church too you're not doing the work of Jesus Christ. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Re Washington DC parking enforcement SCAM 😡

Then I walked up and down the same block and noticed how many other parking tickets had the 
" failure to display " and there were several. SCAM 😡

Plus they deliberately leave off the instruction to display the paper receipt on your dashboard in order to write a citation to make money.
There's  no other reason. 

Furthermore they already know if you paid or not using their electronic device which is why you include your license plate when you pay at the multimeter space.

The new Wash DC parking enforcement SCAM.

 11:25 AM on Mon, Jan 23, 2023:

The new Wash DC parking enforcement SCAM. Even tho they know with their device if u paid or not, if u DON'T put receipt on dash U get a $50 ticket. Nor do they say anywhere to place the paper receipt on the dash. 

(most modern cities that use electronic devices do not require nor need the paper proof on the dash)

"Failure to display a meter receipt has eclipsed  expired meter violations & is the leading reason for getting a ticket"

Friday, December 30, 2022

Re New Dr (Harrison) at Dr Jacqueline Wong's office in Alhambra CA

The New Dr (Hasanuddin Harrison, MD ) is ok but every time I see him he asks me if I "drink" ( ie alcohol 🍺 🍷) , as if I am a drunk or something. I keep him telling him NO I do NOT drink 🚫. Even when i asked him to send my prescription to Vons pharmacy he said  "Isn't that a liquor store?" And he laughed. 

Say what? Obviously he does NOT know this area very well because anybody who does, knows that Vons is a chain of grocery stores around Southern Cal that  also has a pharmacy inside. Yes, they sell liquor just like almost every other grocery store but that does not make them a liquor store. 

Why would I ask him to send my prescription to a liquor store ? I know of no liquor store that has a pharmacy by the way. For that matter I do NOT go to liquor stores meaning those stores that sell only liquor or mostly just liquor . 

I started coming to see Dr Wong when she was actually at the older office down the street & when I was still a teacher for the LAUSD,  and I was also attending Fuller seminary working on my Masters- in- Divinity, which, like becoming a doctor, also takes a lot of work, dedication, and intelligence. 

I continue to come and go from Southern Cal and maintain an address here as I do mission work and ministry around the country and still even another parts of the world 🌎 ✝️🙏.

Now Dr Wong works in the afternoons only so I just accepted seeing the morning doctor and he seems to be alert and capable but for some reason he has a FALSE IMPRESSION about me and drinking alcohol. Even after my blood test show that I'm in pretty good health.

 The main reason I come to see the doctor is for CHRONIC PAIN in my left side and especially my leg probably related to the cervical spine or lumbar , as well as possible bursitis or arthritis.

 I hope this reaches somebody in the office and maybe they can print it out and hand it to him or show it to him. 

Ask me once if I drink that's reasonable,  but three times with a little bit of an insinuation starts to impugn my character 👎.

 By the way, there's nothing immoral or reckless about a little drinking in moderation. I just choose NOT to drink at this point in my life .

 And also by the way I have doctors in my extended family and I know a little thing or two about  doctor lifestyles and know they're not exactly all Puritans.

 Furthermore I also worked at hospitals around doctors as a chaplain & social worker, so I also have had some eye-opening experience working around doctors. I know the truth about doctors: the good, the bad, and the ugly.


Monday, December 26, 2022

#BadAds Stop talking about our poop, penis, prostate & now "pubics". 👎👎👎👎👎👎

Shame on @Gillette & All intrusive sleazy body advertisers  👎. STOP talking about our poop, penis,  prostate & now "pubics". 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

re soul-sapping experience at Burger King DTLA (downtown Los Angeles) on Christmas Day 2022 😟

re soul-sapping experience at Burger King DTLA (downtown Los Angeles) on Christmas Day 2022 😟: 

Since the year 2000, I come to LA every year on Xmas Eve 🎁 for the holiday 🎵show at Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. This year 12/24/22 , although I keep my car well maintained, I was concerned about my starter because on Christmas Eve day every time I stopped and started it got weaker and weaker to restart.
 Normally I would have parked in the parking structure at the concert hall, especially since it's free on  Christmas Eve. 🎄

But I was afraid that it would NOT restart and they might have trouble getting a tow truck inside the structure, so I parked at the nearby Burger King in an almost empty parking lot. Then I went to the concert for a few hours.When I came back to my car, as I feared, it would Not start again. 

So I was stuck there overnight on Christmas Eve and did not want to leave my car alone for fear of it getting broken into, so I had to stay with it all night. 

On Xmas Day  no repair shops are open so I was trying to think about what to do.  I was pretty sure that at least the manager or owner of the Burger King 🍔 would be gracious about it on Christmas day. At least I was close to the Catholic Cathedral and was able to attend the Christmas Mass at 8:00 a.m. and then at 10:00 a.m. as well.  ⛪

But  around 1:00 p.m. here comes a tow truck and he starts telling me I got to get it OUT OF THE LOT NOW or he's going to tow me to impound with all the extra fees and everything. So I go inside to talk to the manager,  and the female manager inside said she did NOT call the tow truck. 

 So I went back outside and the guy is already putting my car up on his tow truck.  I frantically yell " STOP STOP NO " and tell the driver that this manager said she did not call for a tow truck.

So the driver tells me it was the head honcho who called - (a male manager.) I don't know if he called  last night or maybe he called in from his home on Christmas Day,  he was so ANGRY 😡 about it for some reason. 

So this manager was so freaking vexatious about getting my car out of there ON CHRISTMAS DAY he couldn't wait one extra day when every repair shop would be open.

 I had one LAST CHANCE to try to start it before this tow truck driver was going to pull me out of there ( and charge me money 💰),...

So I turned the key 🗝️ & it sluggishly turned over & it was one of those split second moments if it didn't start it wouldn't start, but if it did I was out of there .

And just by a Miracle-  I believe it was a Christmas Miracle (praise the Lord)- the car started and I was able to drive out of there, NO THANKS to the Burger King manager who couldn't wait till the day after Christmas to do business as usual 👎.

And you wonder why there's a homeless problem. A situation like this could have added one extra homeless to the list, rather than alleviate the problem. 

Getting your car towed to impound and paying the fees to get it out of impound  probably now starts around $500 in L.A. And it was totally unnecessary.  It was a holiday- not very busy- the BK manager could have waited until the next business day (Monday December 26th) to  request a tow to remove my vehicle.

But he would NOT have had to do so
I have my Own tow service (Better World)  and I would have been towed to a nearby open auto repair shop and everything would have been quickly solved. This really left a bad taste in my mouth towards this BK manager 👎.

I will also send a letter to Burger King corporate just reporting why this was totally unnecessary and a lack of  Christmas or holiday spirit and TOTAL LACK of normal humanitarian compassion 👎.

Jay Vonder
A Good Citizen Who Cares About Others


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Re Redondo Beach library 12/17/22

They have some good new employees here seem like decent people as opposed to some of the older employees been around for so long and they're kind of like locals on their turf. So I'm thankful for the new employees who are nice and honest.

 But I hope to encourage them to crack down on the little bells and whistles that all the phones make. They do become annoying after a while. & some people just don't seem to get it. That's why phones have a silence button. 

One lady snapped at me because I thought her phone was making the noise. I said nicely "Ma'am could you please turn down your phone?" She said "It's not me. & then added "Mind your own efff'n business". I said  "Somebody made it my business  by NOT turning down their phone".

 We have a  right to a certain amount of silence in the library- a pleasant and productive atmosphere. It was the next person to her and she KNEW it. BUT she had to take the opportunity to snap at me and become abusive. Some of these older ladies actually can be abusive the way they treat younger people. 

I don't like to loosely use the b word about anybody but in this case the glove does  fit. 

So then I asked the guy next to her to turn down his phone alerts, that kept going off every minute or two,  because the employees didn't or wouldn't. And he  literally  seemed to NOT know how to silence his phone. Are you kidding me? He had to  fiddle around just to figure out how to turn down his phone. I don't care how old you are anymore- if you use a phone everyday this is as simple as anything else. 

Cmon people:  no matter how old you are, no matter what gender, religion, race creed, color, there's No Excuse for being rude by leaving your phone volume up in places like the library. Show some respect towards others. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.